Commit Conventions


  • Allow ignoring commits by git bisect (not important commits like formatting)
  • Provide better information when browsing the history


This rule applies to ALL Quasar repositories.

Well-cared log is a beautiful and useful thing. git blame, revert, rebase, log, shortlog and other subcommands come to life. Reviewing others’ commits and pull requests becomes something worth doing, and suddenly can be done independently. Understanding why something happened months or years ago becomes not only possible but efficient.

The Rules of a Great Git Commit Message

  1. Separate subject from body with a blank line
  2. Limit the subject line to 70 characters
  3. Capitalize the subject line
  4. Do not end the subject line with a period
  5. Use the imperative mood in the subject line
  6. Wrap the body at 80 characters
  7. Use the body to explain what and why vs. how

Format of a Commit Message

type(<scope>): <Subject> #<github-ref-id>



Example of a Commit Message

fix(ui): Ensure Range headers adhere more closely to RFC 2616 #2310

To add new dependency use `range-parser`to compute the range.
It is more well-tested in the wild.

port-runner command line option has changed to runner-port.
To migrate your project, change all the commands,
where you use --port-runner to --runner-port.

Message Subject (First Line)

The first line cannot be longer than 70 characters, the second line is always blank. The type and scope should always be lowercase as shown below.

Allowed <type> values:

  • feat - new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script
  • fix - bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script
  • docs - documentation only changes
  • style - changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • refactor - refactoring production code, a code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • chore - other changes that don’t modify src or test files; no production code change
  • perf - change that improves performance
  • revert - reverts a previous commit
  • test - adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change
  • build - changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, npm)
  • ci - changes to our Continuous Integrations configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle CI)

Example <scope> values:

  • ui, cli, api, touchswipe, qtime, etc.


The <scope> can contain more values separated by comma. Example: fix(ui,cli): Cordova mode added.

The <scope> can be empty (e.g. if the change is a global), in which case the parentheses are omitted.

Message Body

  • uses the imperative, present tense: “change” not “changed” nor “changes”
  • includes motivation for the change and contrasts with previous behavior

Breaking Changes

All breaking changes have to be mentioned as a breaking change block in the footer, which should start with the word BREAKING CHANGE: with a space or two newlines. The rest of the commit message is then the description of the change, justification and migration notes.

BREAKING CHANGE: isolate scope bindings definition has changed and
    the inject option for the directive controller injection was removed.

    To migrate the code follow the example below:


    scope: {
      myAttr: 'attribute',
      myBind: 'bind',
      myExpression: 'expression',
      myEval: 'evaluate',
      myAccessor: 'accessor'


    scope: {
      myAttr: '@',
      myBind: '@',
      myExpression: '&',
      // myEval - usually not useful, but in cases where the expression is assignable, you can use '='
      myAccessor: '=' // in directive's template change myAccessor() to myAccessor

Referencing Issues

Closed issues should be listed on a separate line in the footer prefixed with “Closes” keyword like this:

Closes #234

or in the case of multiple issues:

Closes #123, #245, #992