How-to Start a New Project
You have a great new idea which is in line with the Quasar vision. Great, here is how to make it happen!
Email to Razvan (
razvan.stoenescu [at] gmail [dot] com
) the following:a. The need you are fulfilling with the new Quasar Project
b. Name of the owner/maintainer the project?
c. Vision and a technical high-level overview
d. When do you plan the first public release?
e. Milestones with estimated dates
f. How much time you need from the Quasar team
g. Document the changes which are needed in the Quasar core / extensions
h. Sustainability plan - any project creates more work and pressure on the existing Quasar team - what is your long-term maintenance plan
Set up a meeting with Razvan to discuss it and invite all engaged in the project