Quasar CLI with Webpack - @quasar/app-webpack

Upgrade guide on SSR

This page refers only to upgrading a Quasar UI v1 app (with Vue 2) to a Quasar UI v2 one (with Vue 3).

Upgrading from Quasar v1

The SSR mode for Quasar v2 is an almost complete overhaul of the previous version, significantly improving the developer experience. Some of the changes were needed due to the architectural requirements of Vue 3.

Please note that currently the only Nodejs supported server is Expressjs.

High overview of the improvements

  • Introducing the concept of SSR middleware files, which also allows for HMR for them while on dev. This replaces the old index.js and extension.js.
  • The exact same middleware can now run on both dev and production builds, not just the old “SSR Extension”.
  • You can enable linting for SSR middlewares too.
  • Due to the architecture of Vue 3, you now can (and need!) to define a SSR transformation for each of your custom Vue directives (Quasar supplied Vue directives are excluded from this).
  • Out of the box support for Typescript. All .js files under src-ssr can be now rewritten as .ts. Make sure to read about SSR with Typescript for more information.

The /src-ssr folder

# old structure
└── src-ssr/
    ├── index.js      # Production Node webserver serving the app
    └── extension.js  # Common code for production & development server

# NEW structure
└── src-ssr/
    ├── middlewares/  # SSR middleware files
    └── production-export.js # SSR webserver production export

Performing the upgrade

The old index.js and extension.js have been replaced by the superior SSR middleware files. It would be a good idea to read about the SSR middleware before diving in further.

So here we go:

  1. We recommend that you save the content of your current src-ssr folder somewhere else.
  2. Remove and add back the Quasar SSR mode ($ quasar mode remove ssr, $quasar mode add ssr).
  3. Declare the middleware files under quasar.config.js > ssr > middlewares: []. The array should look like this:
middlewares: [
  ctx.prod ? 'compression' : '',
  'render' // should always keep this one as last one
  1. You will then have to port the old logic by using the SSR middleware files, which should be really easy (since you’ll end up copy-pasting most of the old code into the middleware files).
  2. Review quasar.config.js > ssr properties. Most of the old props have been removed and replaced by new ones.

Also remember that the files that you create in the src-ssr/middlewares folder need to also be declared under quasar.config.js > ssr > middlewares. This is because their order matters, just like how the order of applying any Expressjs middleware matters too. You can use the $ quasar new ssrmiddleware <name> command to speed things up.

Always keep the original render middleware as last one in the list.


  • You might want to check out the new configuration properties available through quasar.config.js > ssr.
  • You might want to check out the ssrContext page which describes in detail what properties you can use from it.
  • You might want to check out the SSR Production Export page which describes in detail what the production-export.js/ts can do for you.